How to ignore banners from emails

You can use the Extract Data feature within TA to exclude common phrases that may form part of your banner.
To do this, go into Message Store
Double click one of the emails that has the banner on
At the very bottom right of the screen, there's a "Message Text" and "HTML" tab
If you click on each of these, it shows how the original email displays (fancy html version) vs what TA will extract (the text). Click on the "Message Text" tab at the bottom and copy to clipboard the entire body of the email (including the banner text)
Go into your automation
Double click on the Action
Click "start from last extract point"
Where it says "Look For", type in the last line of your banner (that you want to exclude), ie if I wanted "Bring your team together" to be excluded, and start my extraction from the line below, I would type in
"Bring your team together" in this section
Click on "Extract Data" at the bottom
Paste the entire message into the right hand side
Click the "Until End Of Data" - it will then highlight what it will extract, and it will select everything from AFTER "Bring your team together"

Let me know how you get on and come back to me if you have any questions. I'll attach a screenshot to help explain what we're trying to achieve.
Creation date: 07/03/2024 10:21      Updated: 07/03/2024 10:21
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Screenshot 2024-03-07 095843.png
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